Good Dog Training School
Good Dog Training School
Dog Training in Corby, Northamptonshire
About Our Training
About Our Training
Good Dog Training School is based at Cloverleaf Cainine Centre, Maylan Road Corby, Northants NN17 4DR. Classes are held throughout the week.
Our Head Trainer is an Internationally Certified Animal Behaviourist, a member of INTODogs, ICAN. ISCP, as well as other organsiations She is also Member of the Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme, something no other dog-training organisation in Corby has. Olwen has a Level 6 Diploma in dog behaviour (Degree Level). You can be sure that your trainer is using up to date methods which are kind, fair and effective.
We only allow flat collars or harnesses and standard or training leads in class. Please no extending leads, choke chains or anti pull harnesses. Head collars are allowed in the case of determined pullers. If you are not sure please ask at your first session, alternative equipment can be supplied.
Behaviour Problems
Behaviour Problems
What is a behaviour problem and what is a training issue is a question that often comes up. The easy answer is any behaviour that the dog does which is a problem is a behaviour issue. This may stem from a lack of formal training as the dog doesn't know how it's expected to behave, even if the owner thinks it does. Olwen Turns, our head trainer,conducted a study as part of her Think Dog qualification. She found that 60% of dogs who had never been to training classes had a problem behaviour.
Problems ranged from pulling on the lead to aggression. All problems can be solved using our kind, fair, effective ethos and possibly some management strategies in place.
If you and your dog are having problems that are making life hard please ask about a behaviour consultation.
Consultations consist of a questionnaire to get a full picture of the problem. Then, you are shown techniques and given help on how to manage. Consultations usually take place at the Cloverleaf Canine Centre and you can book as many sessions as you think you and your dog need. For some problems a vet referral may be necessary.
All behaviour consultations are carried out by Olwen Turns.
Call 07905 387703 or 01536 203939 or use the contact us form.